本题目来源于试卷: magnet and magnetic field lines,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
04.31: Two very long cur axv s,bo6;kq+7sc2rprent-carrying wires are sho h+ vbflfvi q0 mf)68u.wn end on in the figure below. The wire on
bf08+.v6v ul i) ffqmhthe left has a 4A current going into of the plane of the paper and the wire on the right has a 3A
current coming out of the paper. Disregarding the case of x → ±∞, in which region(s) could the
magnetic field from these two wires add to zero on the x-axis.
A. Region I only.
B. Region II only.
C. Region III only
D. Regions I & III only
E. In none of the regions
参考答案: C