本题目来源于试卷: Motion of charged particle and Velocity selector and Mass spectrometer,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
02.15: A positively charged particle moves to the right. It iszr zniigt) d2/5978 fw/krz enters a regio -mun0 bexn8r7+ell36aw 3veb n of space in which there is an electric field directed up the plane of the 6 v la-0mn3wb eb 7n3exur8el+paper (see figure). In which direction does a magnetic field have to point in this region so that the particle maintains a constant velocity?
A. Into the plane of the page
B. Out of the plane of the page
C. To the right
D. To the left
E. Up the plane of the page
参考答案: B