本题目来源于试卷: 美国2021年物理杯赛真题 PHYSICS BOWL 2021,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
In an ideal LC circuit, what is the time difference between all of the energy in the circuit being storedin the inductor and all of the energy being stored in the capacitor?
A. No time difference
B. One-eighth of a period of oscillation
C. One-quarter of a period of oscillation
D. One-half of a period of oscillation
E. After one full period of oscillation has passed
参考答案: C
Since there is no resistance in the circuit, no energy is lost through Joule heating; thus,
the maximum energy stored in the capacitor is equal to the maximum energy stored at a
later time in the inductor. This is analogous to the mechanical oscillations of a mass at
the end of a spring. Energy is transferred back and forth between the mass, which has
kinetic energy and the spring which has potential energy.