本题目来源于试卷: Rotational Equilibrium,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
08.37: A uniform meter stick has a 45.0 b.;tkhqhc. 8wfhc vi 5 +p:j n57kxd3vg mass placed at the cm 20 pxb ,zrjy5e6mw08lu24+ dkn w mark as shown in the figure. If a pivot is placed at the 42.5cm mark and the meter stick r kewlzx 4 y0w5m 86u2 bn+,pdrjemains horizontal in static equilibrium, what is the mass of the meter stick?
A. 18.0g
B. 45.0g
C. 72.0g
D. 120.0g
E. 135.0g
参考答案: E