本题目来源于试卷: Rotational Equilibrium,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
10.16: Amass M1=40 kg is at the very edge of a 6.0m long 6mb/k4l 4x u yhml3l8qplank whic li8jwave)hy8 *6(dpx h is pivoted about its center of mass located directly at the center of its length. How far from the center of the plank (x) e j x ay)*8wp8v6hdl(ishould the mass kg M2=80 kg be placed so that the plank remains in static equilibrium in a horizontal position?
A. 0.05m
B. 1.33m
C. 1.50m
D. 2.00m
E. 3.00m
参考答案: C