本题目来源于试卷: Rotational Equilibrium,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
04.33: A uniform rectangular o2l,hrb3 *yj x(tme/bsolid o i.4kyjn)jwn 8 f side length Land width w sits on a frictionles 4)nwik jj8yn.s incline of variable angle θ . Assume that there is a very tiny peg preventing the box from sliding down the incline at the point labeled P. At what angle of incline will the box begin to tip over?
A. $θ = sin^{-1}\frac{W}{L}$
B. $θ = cos^{-1}\frac{W}{L}$
C. $θ = tan^{-1}\frac{W}{L}$
D. $θ = cot^{-1}\frac{W}{L}$
E. Values for w and L must be known.
参考答案: D