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test 发表于 2022-6-10 09:15:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Researchers investigating the mechanism of vesicular transport assembled a cell-free system that included microtubule tracks, vesicles, and ATP. However, they observed no movement of transport of vesicles in this system. What were they missing?
  • A. an axon
  • B. contractile microfilaments
  • C. intermediate filaments
  • D. motor proteins
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9 f' Q: r9 y- |0 n4 x+ N7 B' U+ U( d1 F
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9 N. n8 {3 g. s

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. F5 G  S& H+ U  c8 T" ^: m$ {1 u  p! N1 g0 u; q7 j
6 y( p5 O/ b# m' c
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6 ]* y9 r3 W. A7 |2 ]& m& h2 _) O
6 A/ a$ t9 O5 E$ n5 i  ~




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