本题目来源于试卷: Wave Basic Concepts,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
07.44: A person vibrates t nqb g,lg-8fw y)cr90ohe end of a string r dm9hf nunway5x./.8a hlxb3r -k9c:sending transverse waves down the string. If the person then doubles the rate at which he vibrates the str-f 93r u.a/8:d m5lkc9yrhxwn.b xan hing, the speed of the waves
A. doubles and the wavelength is unchanged
B. doubles and the wavelength doubled
C. doubles while the wavelength is halved
D. is unchanged while the wavelength is doubled
E. is unchanged while the wavelength is halved.
参考答案: E