本题目来源于试卷: Thermal Expansion,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
05.46: A uniform square p . 5egq79 ,f5jloq o(wck rk9e2nb jo+kiece of me d j3f5 k5gj)qgtal has initial side length $L_0$. A square piece is cut out of the center of the metal. The temperature of the metal is now raised so that the side lengths are increased by 4%. What has happened to the area of the square piece cut out of the center of the metal?
A. It is increased by 16 %
B. It is increased by 8 %
C. It is increased by 4 %
D. It is decreased by 4 %
E. It is decreased by 8 %
参考答案: B