本题目来源于试卷: Thermal Transformation: Conduction, Convection and Radiation,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
06.27: A frozen hamburger in plastic needs to be thawed quickly. wd4fxq.h7ey102d aaqWhn;b41z7yex/x nub *pvyzi-q :wk,k/xich of the methods described provides the most zu/ xbn/yy-ik:*x 7k4xv;w,zqnb1ep rapid thawing of the burger?
A. Place the burger itself in a metal pan at room temperature.
B. Place the burger in its package on the kitchen counter at room temperature.
C. Place the burger in its package in a pot of non-boiling warm water.
D. Place the burger itself on a plastic plate in the refrigerator.
E. Place the burger itself on the ceramic kitchen counter at room temperature.
参考答案: A