本题目来源于试卷: -Ideal Gas,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
94.27: A mass m of helium gas is nd;70if wu7uj in a container of constant volume V. It is ijs6(blqfyy* j54x9tv;5 cv ccnitially at pressure p and absolute (Kelvin) temperature T. Additional helium is added, bringing the total mass of helium gas to 3m. After this addition, the tempjc45xy qftlvy 6js (b9c;cv5* erature is found to be 2T. What is the gas pressure?
A. 2/3 p
B. 3/2 p
C. 2 p
D. 3 p
E. 6 p
参考答案: E