本题目来源于试卷: -Ideal Gas,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
13.20: A sample of idealdj6dno:63cd3yr x besg2i 6*l gas at a temperature d27i lot+t4nw of $40^{\circ}C$ is in a container of volume $3.50\times\: 10^{−2}\:m^3$. If the pressure of the gas is 0.50 atm, how many molecules of the gas are in the container?
A. $4.05\times\: 10^{18}$
B. $4.10\times\: 10^{20}$
C. $4.05\times\: 10^{21}$
D. $4.10\times\: 10^{23}$
E. $4.05\times\: 10^{26}$
参考答案: D