本题目来源于试卷: Internal energy and r.m.s. speed,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
01.29: A 200 gram sample of copj1dbkp 44pney0 agm+0per is s a2dh m8yz/kdxf,z v.8ubmerged in 100 grams of water until both the copper and water are at the same temperature. Which of the follf .8vy/akm,hd z2 xz8dowing statements would be true.
A. the molecules of the water and copper would have equal average speeds
B. the molecules of the water and copper would have equal average momenta
C. the molecules of the water and copper would have equal average kinetic energies
D. the water molecules would have twice the average momentum of the copper molecules
E. the copper molecules would have twice the average speed of the water molecules
参考答案: C