本题目来源于试卷: Internal energy and r.m.s. speed,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
08.39: An ideal gas is enclosed in a container. The vol4 o(lqpwe;;y wume of th a8 r-u k(:iihr2-tl65okqfkb e container is reduced to half the original volumefr5 okqt6b uk h:a8r2-(-klii at constant temperature. According to kinetic theory, what is the best explanation for the increase in pressure created by the gas?
A. The average speed of the gas particles decreases, but they hit the container walls more frequently.
B. The average speed of the gas particles is unchanged, but they hit the container walls more frequently.
C. The average speed of the gas particles increases as does the frequency with which they hit the container walls.
D. The average speed of the gas particles increases, overcoming the decreased frequency that they hit the container walls.
E. The internal energy of the gas increases.
参考答案: B