本题目来源于试卷: Internal energy and r.m.s. speed,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
14.37: A new element is discovered and named PhysicsBowlium (atomic sym l xq*p;sr )yaur d.37mbol Phys) 3arxm)* yr.ldp7sq;u.b7 vyp++cd2u rche2o . Its .hy22 evdc7 ucrob+ +pentry onto the standard periodic table of elements appears as in the figure (with Helium shown as well). Given a sample of Phys which acts as a perfect monatomic ideal gas, what is the root-mean-square speed of the atoms of the gas if the sample is at $20^{\circ}C$?
A. 1.04 m/s
B. 4.00 m/s
C. 33.0 m/s
D. 126 m/s
E. 191 m/s
参考答案: D