本题目来源于试卷: Atomic Model,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
02.10: In Rutherford's fp+ aa8yh)p aq(icg4qm f1(;pxamous gold foil scattering experim; pxn*n9w jmv0qlb;v)ent, he found that most alpha particles would pass through the foil undeflected. Which of the following nuclear properties can be inferred from this)n0nvjl9pmbq*;v xw; observation?
A. The nucleus must have a positive charge
B. Most of the mass of an atom is in the nucleus
C. The nucleus contains both protons and neutrons
D. The diameter of the nucleus is small compared to the diameter of the atom
E. None of the above
参考答案: D