本题目来源于试卷: Impulse and momentum,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
15.43: An object of mass 4.0 gr 6cn,, s lc9fbr1,khocpq) -v has3 y7e/;za3lnxi jej;qhb,qn + atotal kinetic energy of 100.0 J and an x-compaq3qj7 b/nhiln+x ej;3y ; z,eonent of linear momentum equal to 24.0 kg.m/s. The object is moving in the x-y plane. What is they-component of the object’s linear momentum?
A. 8.00 kg.m/s
B. 15.0 kg.m/s
C. 26.0 kg.m/s
D. 32.0 kg.m/s
E. 97.0 kg.m/s
参考答案: B