本题目来源于试卷: Centre of mass system,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
06.10: A firecracker extm 8 21qywou86u8os zf,-omwom ;rve7plodes while in flight along a parabolic path and fragmev8/t k( 9 2lcgbmam 7vyfsgn21nts from it traveling all directions. After the explosion, the ce m2/g glbkym8v9t s1nv7a f(c2nter of mass of the firecracker
A. falls directly vertically downward.
B. ceases to exist.
C. lands equidistance from all fragments
D. has no forces acting on it.
E. continues to move along a parabolic path.
参考答案: E