本题目来源于试卷: Mechanical Advantage,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
15.27: On a fricti 4)-wpsj+dats o .db8 *ji69wdzq k0 kyanless horizontal surface, two bodies make ahead-on collision and stick together. Body 1 has a m 9j0iq kd*8b6dy. zak wass of 3.5 kg and initially moves to the right with speed 7.0 m/s. Body 2 initially is at rest. A graph of the force exerted onto Body 2 from Body 1 during the collision is shown.
What is the mass of Body 2?
A. 2.81 g
B. 3.50
C. 4.59 g
D. 5.53 g
E. 7.50 g
参考答案: D