本题目来源于试卷: Circular Motion,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
94.15: A car is traveling 5zy9g0gf y :rzlnds3 9hdy *a* on a road in hilly terrain, see no1np,.: t6kiw0)obaq(*jues6 qxg cfigure to the right. Assume the car has speed v and the tops and bottoms of the hills have radius of curvature R. The driver of the car is most 0bwnpn61. et qsa6 *coo:qjx) , iugk(likely to feel weightless:
A. at the top of a hill when $v >\sqrt{gR}$
B. at the bottom of a hill when $v >\sqrt{gR}$
C. going down a hill when $v = \sqrt{gR}$
D. at the top of a hill when $v <\sqrt{gR}$
E. at the bottom of a hill when $v <\sqrt{gR}$
参考答案: A