本题目来源于试卷: .Gravity..,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
17.48: In the binary s :e,e, g+xek+kq kn+q nt kwhtr x iq;3j,/)zlrq+3 f(q*r baw1lar system shown, the two stars follow circular orbits about the system’s center of mass. The stars are separated by a distance D that is large compared to their size and are subject only to their mutual gravitational attraction. The orbital period of the star of mass M is T. Which one of the following ch jwa (i)k1f l,w3+rq*r rh;x3lzq b/tqoices represents the total mass of the binary star system?

A. $\frac{π^{2}D^{3}}{5GT^{2}}$
B. $\frac{4π^{2}D^{3}}{5GT^{2}}$
C. $\frac{4π^{2}D^{3}}{GT^{2}}$
D. $\frac{16π^{2}D^{3}}{5GT^{2}}$
E. $\frac{25π^{2}D^{3}}{4GT^{2}}$
参考答案: C