本题目来源于试卷: Electric Field and Electric Induction,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
96.07: An amber rod is given a net negative charge and held at vri/8lf;4 gwzw6e pg9rest. Which ot x8rp *yh7kw 5do8yres o,+e4f the following statements is,d8ewytr 4 k+yh 875oo*sxepr true?
A. The amber rod is surrounded only by a magnetic field that circles the rod.
B. The amber rod is surrounded only by an electric field that is directed out from the rod.
C. The amber rod is surrounded only by an electric field that is directed into the rod.
D. The amber rod is surrounded by both a magnetic field that circles the rod and an electric field that is directed out from the rod.
E. The amber rod is surrounded by both a magnetic field that circles the rod and an electric field that is directed into the rod.
参考答案: C