本题目来源于试卷: Electrostatic Force and Electric Field,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
13.07: Two identical particles j1jk. c.kqo zjb vm5wn7y40i9are fixed in pn.twloozgz(:g 93 xj :lace a distance of 0.50mapart. The elezont3(gzlo.9xj g: w:ctric force that one particle exerts on the other has a magnitude of 3.00 N. Which one of the following choices best represents the magnitude of each particle’s charge?
A. $4.17× 10^{−11}C $
B. $8.33× 10^{−11}C$
C. $ 1.67× 10^{−10}C$
D. $9.13× 10^{−6}C$
E. $1.29× 10^{−5}C$
参考答案: D