本题目来源于试卷: Electrostatic Force and Electric Field,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
07.25: If two protonsunw5932s:yo by)wu g bo asogoq4,t9xp6l.r+ are spaced by a distance R, what is the ratio of the gravitation+as. got ro4o,6xplq9 al force that one
proton exerts on the other to the electric force that one proton exerts on the other?That is,$\frac{F_{gravity}}{F_{electric}}$=
A. $≈10^{-8}$
B. $≈10^{-16}$
C. $≈10^{-20}$
D. $≈10^{-36}$
E. $≈10^{-43}$
参考答案: D