本题目来源于试卷: Electrostatic Force and Electric Field,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
03.18: Two identical electriccq3ijja56q xzn1/ i5s al point charges75bo4 2.(dbuv75wgr kokm.ul 1kd0ewgobn9g Q, separated by a distance produce an electrical f45e vk5ob b (w rgwdu7u0.9d oblkgkn1 m7.2goorce ofF on one another. If the distance is decreased to a distance of 0.40, what is the strength of
the resulting force?
A. 16F
B. 6.3F
C. 2.5F
D. 0.40
E. 0.16F
参考答案: B