本题目来源于试卷: Parallel Plates,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
00.17 An alpha parti xn .g/ l-he b 4-m;xd*kpshs9ucle and a proto dqhay g4a7rp0xc68q e xr+ 22g:g3xgyn are placed equal distance between two large rd +gr pxaq3c ga8 x7h:g4y y0xeqg622 charged metal
plates as shown. Which of the following would best describe the motion of the two particles if they were free to move?
A. The alpha particle will travel upwards with twice the velocity of the proton.
B. Both particles will travel upwards with the same velocity.
C. The alpha particle will accelerate upwards with twice the acceleration of the proton.
D. Both particles will accelerate upwards with the same acceleration.
E. The alpha particle will accelerate upwards with half the acceleration of the proton.
参考答案: E