本题目来源于试卷: Capacitors,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
08.31: For the circuit shown cf/j /nc 7wwq lw 9s/84aqsnh)-ti7wv4j u +u ::bb jl;y pm7d-bobzl*, ξ =6.0 V, $R_1=7.0Ω$, $R_2= 3.0Ω$ ,$R_3= 6.0Ω$ , $R_4=12.0Ω$ . After operating for a long time, equilibrium is established. What is the voltage across the capacitor at equilibrium?
A. 6.0V
B. 4.2V
C. 3.0V
D. 2.2V
E. 0.2V
参考答案: D