本题目来源于试卷: .Resistor.,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
06.33: A current through tg04a ss*au /yi 5fv+vvhe tlb*9r4z,,tcesdwh n1hin filament wire of a lightbulb causes the filament towdc91, rn4*h,lszb te become white hot, while the larger wires connected to the lightbulb remain much cooler. This happens because
A. the larger connecting wires have more resistance than the filament.
B. the thin filament has more resistance than the larger connecting wires.
C. the filament wire is not insulated.
D. the current in the filament is greater than that through the connecting wires.
E. the current in the filament is less than that through the connecting wires.
参考答案: B