本题目来源于试卷: Combine Problems,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
05.37: For the circuit shown, a shorti 6 .q;+ bgwajwung wire of negligible uk kgv tytoa 7i1z3q12dvm1g4)g1 kn6resistance is added to the circuit betwee vt3nd1kyik a2gov 41gzq)6mug kt117n points A and B. When this shorting wire is added, bulb #3 goes out. Which bulbs (all identical) in the circuit brighten?
A. Only Bulb 2
B. Only Bulb 4
C. Only Bulbs 1 and 4
D. Only Bulbs 2 and 4
E. Bulbs 1, 2 ,and 4
参考答案: C