本题目来源于试卷: Combine Problems,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
03.35: A circuit is connected as shown. All lightbulbs are ident gr9 s-(in7o8b6at /n ru)kfribnt3. d ical. When the 9z o(zl7,f)wvz ec2pn switch in the circuit is closed illuminating bulb #4, which other b l)nzcz7w (z2f, vp9oeulb(s) also become brighter?
A. Bulb #1 only
B. Bulb #2 only
C. Bulbs #2 and #3 only
D. Bulbs #1, #2, and #3
E. None of the bulbs.
参考答案: A