本题目来源于试卷: Combine Problems,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
15.10: For the circuit sh yov:.qypq2,p own y 3 y fcs*tlnyufa+e*k0:)7 xx, the three light bulbs have identical resistance, the battery is ideal, and all wires have no resistance. Which one of the following choices correctly identifies the light bulbs that either become dimmer or go out completely when the switch )7ytu f*+klx 30xace sy*nyf:, S, in the circuit is closed?
A. All 3 bulbs
B. Bulbs #1 and #2 only
C. Bulb #3 only
D. Bulb #1 only
E. None of the bulbs
参考答案: E