本题目来源于试卷: Combine Problems,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
11.38: For the circuit shown, the four ligh 61t xxahoodu e++8b6qt bulb ,oez60nngx 1 ps have identical resistance, all wires have zero resistance, and the battery is assumed to be ideal with emf ξ . When the switch, S, in the circuit is closed, a wire o znpo10gex ,6n f zero resistance is added into the circuit. Which of the light bulbs will be dimmer after the switch is closed?
A. Only bulb #2
B. Only bulb #4
C. Only bulbs #1 and #4
D. Only bulbs #2 and #4
E. Only bulbs #1 #2 and #4
参考答案: A