本题目来源于试卷: Combine Problems,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
14.22: For the circuit shown, al uq;/rqh a bh0*n68qp:da hns8 l three lightbulbs have the same resistance. )k.p0z t4* c2whv( .h:mh os jipi8rtsmb4m;tThe battery and wires have no resistance. What is the proper ra t.m02vit 4 mp;kc*hhi: w 4h)pr .sm(8sbzjtonking of the bulbs’ brightness?
A. $Bulb 1 = Bulb 2 = Bulb 3$
B. $Bulb 3 < Bulb 2 = Bulb 1$
C. $Bulb 2 < Bulb 1 < Bulb 3$
D. $Bulb 1 = Bulb 2 < Bulb 3$
E. $Bulb 1 = Bulb 3 < Bulb 2$
参考答案: D