本题目来源于试卷: gc physics textbook chapter 3 problems,类别为 IB数学
Can you give several examples of an object’s motion m1c+o y 7vlrx3bbkr19in which a great distanc)e o;u)1x(atkp; j6l xd0 b nwaq7rqt7e is traverl;kp uawo a 01x7t7qx)(;tdnb q)ej6led but the displacement is zero?
参考答案: Can you give several examples of an object’s motion in which a great distance is traveled but the displacement is zero?(a) During one year, the Earth travels a distance equal to the circumference of its orbit, but has a displacement of 0 relative to the Sun. (b) The space shuttle travels a large distance during any flight, but the displacement from one launch to the next is 0. (c) Any kind of cross country “round trip” air travel would result in a large distance traveled, but a displacement of 0. (d) The displacement for a race car from the start to the finish of the Indy 500 auto race is 0.