本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit1: Introduction Measurement & Estimating,类别为 通用国际物理
A large school distrvo -oelmu6-q* ict has 300e0d:;con l uz2 school buses. If each school bus is used 3 hours each day, the average speed of the school buses is 15 mie;dcul2 0onz: /h, and the fuel economy of the buses is 10 mi/gal. How much does it cost to run these buses in 22 school days if gasoline costs $1.20 a gallon?
A. \$$2 \times 10^4$
B. \$$4 \times 10^4$
C. \$$3.6 \times 10^4$
D. \$$3.56 \times 10^4$
E. \$$3.564 \times 10^4$
参考答案: B