本题目来源于试卷: new new new new,类别为 IB物理学
Describe all the forces acting s 7ge0**bc qboon a chi:mu 8)gpgh kr4ld riding a horse on a merry-go-round. Which of these :48rhugg pmk) forces provides the centripetal acceleration of the child?
参考答案: There are at least three distinct major forces on the child. The force of gravity is acting downward on the child. There is a normal force from the seat of the horse acting upward on the child. There must be friction between the seat of the horse and the child as well, or the child could not be accelerated by the horse. It is that friction that provides the centripetal acceleration. There may be smaller forces as well, such as a reaction force on the child’s hands if the child is holding on to part of the horse. Any force that has a radially inward component will contribute to the centripetal acceleration.