本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit1: Introduction Measurement & Estimating,类别为 通用国际物理
Wall posters are usually sold curled up in cylindrica5 escglxg)v2( lspn8 m 2jzhzh** (wa6n cardboard tubes. If the length of the tube is 84.5 cm, and the diameter of the tube is 2.40 cm,s**6h8 j2n pmahzw z(n what is the area of the poster, in $cm^{2}$? (Assume the poster doesn't overlap itself.)
A. $382 \; cm^{2}$
B. $382.3 \; cm^{2}$
C. $637 \; cm^{2}$
D. $637.1 \; cm^{2}$
E. $203 \; cm^{2}$
F. $202.8 \; cm^{2}$
参考答案: C