本题目来源于试卷: gc textbook chapter 7 Linear Momentum,类别为 IB物理学
At a hydroelectric power plant, 9mm5xxnva p5 pv:9r 0ubsi61 swater is d,e:inv9/dfgn3 jc k e*;jfo;f irected at high speed against turbine blades on an axle that turns an electric generator. For maximum power generation, should the turbine blades be designed so that the water is brought to a dead st/i;fedfg:kn*;9of vnj,c 3ejop, or so that the water rebounds?
参考答案: The turbine blades should be designed so that
the water rebounds. If the water
rebounds, that means that a larger momentum change for the water has occurred
than if it just came to a stop. And if
there is a larger momentum change for the water, there will also be a larger
momentum change for the blades, making them spin faster.