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Physics Unit2: Kinematics One Dimensional Motion (id: 3635a91e3)

admin 发表于 2024-2-7 13:35:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Physics Unit2: Kinematics One Dimensional Motion,类别为 通用国际物理

Two objects are thrown from the top homgn9kjafbj jmy4u** 98jovce6, 78 y2 pz qb2pj2r r(,pgc.fsd c8*:6k ; vap1vcayof a tall building. One is thrown up, and the other is thrown down, both with the same initial sqdapcr v r.vp*cbz2ys1p8ac ; 26pfkj g y2,:(peed. What are their speeds when they hit the street?

A. The one thrown up is traveling faster.
B. The one thrown down is traveling faster.
C. They are traveling at the same speed.
D. It is impossible to tell because the height of the building is not given.

参考答案:  C

本题详细解析: 暂无




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