本题目来源于试卷: Rotational Motion,类别为 IB物理学
Why is it more difficult to d.bf2k jiqr86 oo qlf4c6 +lac+wn*t ol +a sit-up with your hands behind your head than when your arms are stretched out in front of you? A diagram 46+ota++*lll cq w cfnmay help you to answer this.
参考答案: When you do a sit-up, torque from
your abdomen muscles must rotate the upper half of the body from a laying-down
position to a sitting-up position. The
larger the moment of inertia of the upper half of the body, the more torque is
needed, and thus the harder the sit-up is to do. With the hands behind the head, the moment of
inertia of the upper half of the body is larger than with the hands
outstretched in front.