本题目来源于试卷: Rotational Motion,类别为 IB物理学
Mammals that depend on being a1p wqni-g7y bz:vo ,c.jr8(giie wj93ble to run5y16uw9;pkdzd .v )+ rulwpqn fast have slender lower legs with flesh and muscle concentrated high, close to the body (Fig. 8–34). On the basis ow5kd .;zw )npp9u+6dlrv1qu yf rotational dynamics, explain why this distribution of mass is advantageous.
参考答案: The legs have a lower moment of inertia
when the leg mass is concentrated next to the body. That means the legs will require less torque
to have a given angular acceleration, or, alternatively, a higher angular
acceleration can be developed. Thus the
animal can run fast.