本题目来源于试卷: gc textbook chapter 8 Rotational Motion,类别为 IB物理学
We claim that momentum asy a6(umb 5heg80zx1snd angular momenxf ek 7-i5.v*f7ns8 0hk;q+/tmboio2s tbhkxtum are conserved. Yet most moving or rotating objects eventually slow downoektoq+ 7;m h8f7 5bn/f- 2tss vx*k bkhxi.i0 and stop. Explain.
参考答案: Momentum
and angular momentum are conserved for closed systems – systems in which there
are no external forces or torques applied to the system. Probably no macroscopic systems on Earth are
truly closed, and so external forces and torques (like those applied by air
friction, for example) affect the systems over time.