本题目来源于试卷: Rotational Motion,类别为 IB物理学
Suppose you are sitting on a rotating stool holding a 2wrv z 3m)z57hc-kg ma,iqq (;( dlcg-yplxj/ss in each outstretched hand. If you suddenly drop the masses, will y-pq lyd;q(x/igj(c,l our angular velocity increase, decrease, or stay the same? Explain.
参考答案: Your
angular velocity will not change. Before
you let go of the masses, your body has a certain angular momentum, which is
the product of your moment of inertia and your angular velocity. No torques are put upon you by the act of
dropping the masses, and so your angular momentum does not change. If you don’t change your moment of inertia by
changing the position of your body, then your angular velocity will not
change. The masses, when dropped, will
have a horizontal motion that is tangential to the circle in which they were
moving before they were dropped. An
object traveling horizontally at some distance from a vertical line (like your
axis of rotation) has angular momentum relative to that vertical line. The masses keep the angular momentum that
they had before being dropped.