Water provides (quite) high buoyancy.
Buoyancy allows Black throated loon, with feathers (and / or fat) to float on water.
Buoyancy supports [named aquatic animal] so they don’t need such strong legs / can grow very large.
Water has a high specific heat capacity.
(High specific heat capacity) makes water change temperature than air in the same climate.
The temperature of water remains quite constant in the arctic which helps Ringed seals in the winter. (The air changes temperature more quickly
Thermal conductivity is higher in water than in air.
Mammals and Birds living in cold water need better insulation than animals living in cold air
Heat can be transported through the body more easily in blood (e.g. to cool the muscles during
Water has a lower viscosity than oliver oil or honey
Low viscosity aids the flow of water in xylem, / of blood in animals / movement of animals in water.
Water has a higher viscosity than air.
The higher viscosity of water makes movement possible with smaller fins in aquatic animals (in proportion to body size) than larger wings of flying birds supported by the air.