本题目来源于试卷: SoundSoundSoundSound,类别为 IB物理学
When a sound wave passes fi9-z3m e4)as fhum3odrom air into e hc- io;gi49c8tq u9p mv+pl mz-tq9;water, do you expect the frequency or wavelength tlimgm;+9czt-4;pv tqec 99oup hi8q -o change?
参考答案: If
the frequency were to change, the two media could not stay in contact with each
other. If one medium vibrates with a
certain frequency, and the other medium vibrates with a different frequency,
then particles from the two media initially in contact could not stay in
contact with each other. But particles
must be in contact in order for the wave to be transmitted from one medium to
the other, and so the frequency does not change. Since the wave speed changes in passing from
air into water, and the frequency does not change, we expect the wavelength to
change. The wave travels about four
times faster in water, so we expect the wavelength in water to be about four
times longer than it is in air.