本题目来源于试卷: SoundSoundSoundSound,类别为 IB物理学
What evidence can you give that the speed of soujy2 z8whowm95 nd in a-z).fgu:zkwbefv0 o7fcob c/ .ml 2q:ir does not depend significantly on f.ubwfol)-07 kbc mq .fz v:g2:eoz c/frequency?
参考答案: Listening
to music while seated far away from the source of sound gives evidence that the
speed of sound in air does not depend on frequency. If the speed were highly frequency dependent,
then high and low sounds created at the same time at the source would arrive at
your location at different times, and the music would sound very
disjointed. The fact that the music
“stays together” is evidence that the speed is independent of frequency.