本题目来源于试卷: SoundSoundSoundSound,类别为 IB物理学
Consider the two waves dlni wopf x s fpz ot76q26+01tx6 nrs2hl9;;dshown i ,o truv 3yo,c:n Fig. 12–31. Each wave can be thought of as a superposition of two sound waves with slightly different frequencies, as in Fig. 12–18. In which of the waves, (a) or (b), are the two component frequencies farther apart? E v3ro tuco,,:y xplain.
参考答案: From the two waves shown, it is seen that the
frequency of beating is higher in Figure (a) – the beats occur more
frequently. The beat frequency is the
difference between the two component frequencies, and so since (a) has a higher
beat frequency, the component frequencies are further apart in (a).