本题目来源于试卷: SL/HL Topic D3.3 Homeostasis,类别为 IB生物学
6. Contrast type 1 a l6.)fz+ wz k ic/ hug2yq3o(jkmy,6,hz i2xpwnd type 2t9h90nas:8 wdv ,hf7ete)s 6xn/ux an diabetes.
参考答案: Type 1 diabetes (usually) develops in childhood and type 2 develops in adulthood/later life.
Type 1 is due to an autoimmune reaction/white blood cells destroying pancreas cells and Type 2 is a gradual decline in insulin production/not due to an immune reaction. In type 1 (eventually) no insulin is produced and in type 2 less insulin is produced/there is insulin resistance. Type 1 risk factors are largely genetic, and type 2 are largely obesity/environmental.
Type 2 can be (partially) reversed (by weight loss/diet etc).
Type 1 has to be treated with insulin and type 2 can be treated by lifestyle/insulin promoting drugs/other form of treatment.