本题目来源于试卷: SL/HL Topic D3.1 Reproduction,类别为 IB生物学
3. Why are artificial doses of hormones administe:2swlw2bkl63:id r:yoi + peze9-sidre ;-u wyk0z7vcpb*7r9 f wtdpj+dykd+2d to women before the harvesting of eggcells for in-vitro fe0dcp+ rw9 z- yyd+*tpuf jw7bdv7k2k; rtilisation?
I. To suspend the normal menstrual cycle.
II. Because the woman is unable to produce egg-cells.
III. To cause superovulation.
IV. To prevent pregnancy before IVF treatment.
A. All of the above
B. II and III only
C. I and III only
D. I, III and IV only
参考答案: C