本题目来源于试卷: SL/HL Topic D2.3 Water potential,类别为 IB生物学
9. A plant has not been watered for a few days. Explain the changes tw3zk7c/ cgt m*x 11faghat6v+y+jd ,2 mx a+gvok)4mcuk r(msz+c occur in the water potential of one zkokrcc2v4)( mmj s+6u,am +y+g xvd+ of its cells when it is bathed in distilled water.
参考答案: Distilled water is hypotonic to cell sap.
Water will enter the plant cells.
Water will enter the cell by osmosis.
Entry of water will cause the solute potential to rise/become slightly less negative.
Entry of water will cause the pressure potential to rise.
Pressure potential is caused by (hydrostatic)/water pressure on the (inflexible) cell wall.
When the pressure potential equals the solute potential, the water potential will be zero.
Equilibrium is established/there will be no net gain or loss of water.
Water will enter and leave the cell at the same rate/equilibrium is established.